Why do I need a web site?

A web site is like a store front. Online users search the internet for product information, they search for services, and others are ready to buy. A well thought out web site design, architecture and calls to action are important factors for any web site design and development. Especially for eCommerce companies that want to attract customers to their web site and having clients purchase products online. Tweaking the web site, advertising and improving an organization’s internet marketing strategy are ongoing tasks for sales and marketing.

Many customers want both a well designed web site that is also search engine optimized. These are two different objectives. Although these business requirements can be achieved, it requires different technical skills and abilities.

A well designed and optimized web site needs to be planned properly in order to achieve the desired outcome. Web site design requires the talents of a graphics designer and/or be somewhat of an artist. There is also some psychology within a good design including different colors schemes, the way in which the menu is placed within the page for navigation, the placement of images throughout the site, and much more.

Web site development on the other hand requires some technical skills because the site needs to be structured for search engine spiders. Web pages that are well designed can be potential landing pages for targeted keywords. A well optimized web page including targeted keywords can increase the chances of visitors landing on your specific web page.

For many organizations the web site is a key marketing tool for their business. Ongoing web site changes and improvements are necessary in order to keep up with today’s changing customer demands and internal business requirements. Having a well design and developed web site is a reflection of your business image. People will formulate their opinions about the brands that you promote and the way in which you represent yourself on the internet.

Posted on by Jesse in Web site design