5 Essential Website Design Tips

Within a few seconds of going to your website, can potential customers figure out what your business does? Can visitors easily find your blog? Are your products or services laid out in a compelling manner with helpful information? If you answer “no” to any of these questions, you may need to consider improving your web design, development, and optimization.

The internet is highly competitive, and getting visitors to your website is only the first step. You need to keep people engaged and coming back for more in the future. Your website needs strong design, thought-provoking content, and user-friendly functionality. Here at SEO Services Montreal, that’s what we’re all about. If you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s design, read our expert tips below.

1. Include Social Network Buttons

Offering a great product and having engaging content only goes so far if your users don’t have the ability to stay updated with your business or share your website with their friends. If your website doesn’t have buttons where visitors can easily find your social media accounts, you may be missing out on keeping customers engaged. Sharing buttons also make it easy for satisfied users to tell their networks about what you do.

2. Streamline the Navigation

Your users need a clear map of the important pages of your website. Nothing will cause visitors to exit out more than a confusing or disorganized navigation interface. Make sure your potential customers will be able to easily find what they’re looking for. Your website should have a navigation bar with a hierarchy, streamlined content, and easily translate to mobile browsers.

3. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users

Speaking of mobile browsers, don’t neglect mobile optimization. Everyone users smartphones and tablets these days and it’s necessary for you to meet these users where they’re at. If your site is clunky or loads slowly on mobile browsers, they’ll likely go to a competitor that offers an easier experience.

4. Include Calls-to-Action

Once your users find your site and figure out what they need, can they easily figure out what step to take next? They will have trouble taking action if your site doesn’t provide them with some guidance. Implement some buttons that direct your visitors to visit other pages or contact you for more information.

5. Get Expert Help

Designing a compelling website on your own can be a difficult task to accomplish, especially when you should be focusing your efforts on other areas of the business. Our web design and development experts can create a winning website for you. For a free analysis, contact us today.

Posted on by Jesse in Web site design