Montreal Web-Site Design & Development – WordPress

Wordpress CMS (Content Management System) is a popular web-site platform for any business. WordPress is widely used as an informational site, business blogs and purchasing products on line. The WordPress Core capabilities can be extended and customized using WordPress plugins. For example, if you are interested in eCommerce capability a plugin called WooCommerce is available to extend the WordPress Core functionality. You will be able to sell products and services online by adding the WooCommerce plugin.

Although WordPress is a free platform that can be easily installed by anyone, it does take some design and development skills if you are planning to have a professional looking site for your business. A web-site is a representation of your business on the web. It is visible for everyone and people form an opinion about your business just by looking at your site. WordPress includes a CMS (content management system) for administrators to manage their web content and images. The CMS is a very useful and easy tool that is included in the WordPress Core platform.

Below are three essential elements for any web-site project.

Web-Site Design
A proper representation of your business is required and the web-site design is a key element. The images used and the design must be visually appealing and your web site visitors need to understand what you are offering without any hesitation. The proper colors and images needs to be incorporated in your new web-site and this is all part of the design planning process.

Web-Site Structure
Ease of navigation and the layout structure is also a key element for any web design. Your web-site visitors must be able to navigate your new site easily and find what they are looking for while limiting the number of clicks. Web site visitors get easily frustrated with excessive clicking and usually drop off sites that are not informative and difficult to navigate.

Web-Site Content
A lot of web agencies simply overlook the importance of web content. Content is essential for any web-site. The content must speak to your audience directly. The content must be informative and easy to understand without any grammatical errors. Also, you must create a trust relationship with your prospects because they will be making a decision to engage with your company and purchase your products and the way in which you communicate with the client is through your web content. Content is king! For this reason, make an effort to devote time and effort when creating your web content. Hiring a professional writer is an alternative to ensure that your copy is relevant to your business.

Contact SEO Services Montreal and fill in our contact form today and learn more about our web-site design and development services.

Posted on by Jesse in Web site design