Finding a Great SEO Writer

The content for SEO should be written such that Google can link it with certain keywords which people search for regularly. Keyword research, backlinks, meta details, a lot goes in here for producing that perfect piece. You need a really good content SEO writer for the purpose; depending on the package you select, affordable SEO services may or may not include SEO writing, but in any case, you can’t expect higher ranks on Google without it.

So how do you ensure that the SEO writer you are working with is good enough? Here are some qualities which they must have for them to be able to provide good returns to your business.

Should be good at grammar and spellings

This is such a simple requirement, but unfortunately, many SEO writers in the industry don’t even have a good hold on their grammar. Does it really matter? Yes because for every grammatical and spelling mistakes, the content quality goes down, hurting the credibility of your business. Consumers prefer buying from organisations that they trust, and not some business that publishes low quality content with errors.

Can work with your SEO expert
Your SEO writer should be able to work with your SEO expert. The two often have to communicate ensuring that the content is line with your business goals. The results aren’t that effective if they fail to collaborate.

Writes for people
Keywords are important, but by no means, can you stuff them in the content. Your audience is first and foremost, and the content should provide value to them. Keyword optimisation is second on the list; whichever ones are targeted, they should be used naturally in the content.

Understands the targeted audience
Like we said, the SEO writer should be able to provide value to your targeted audience. But for them to be able to do this, they have to understand them first. Your SEO should be able to figure out what your audience regards as important and what kind of content would be the most meaningful for them.

Is aware of the do’s and don’ts

While a good SEO writer doesn’t have to be an SEO expert, they should still have essential knowledge of the field, and be able to understand preferred practices. For instance, they should know that keywords should preferably be used in the titles, the meta details, the headings and even the image tags. Plus, they should be able to figure out keyword density and appropriate length for every piece.

Writes engaging content
Okay, so your SEO writer can write valuable content and target it with all the right keywords. Should that be enough? Not really. The content should be written such that it engages the audience, and forces them to read till the very end. It should be powerful enough to compel your readers to take an action.

So ensure that you hire quality and affordable SEO services and writers to enjoy business benefits.

Posted on by Jesse in SEO Services