Signs that Your Business Needs an SEO Expert

Should you attempt to do SEO yourself or should you hire an SEO Montreal expert? Many business owners may want to go with the former approach, but more often than not, doing SEO isn’t that effective. Even if it works, the achieved results aren’t powerful.

So should you hire an SEO Montreal professional company or should you not? Here are some signs; observe any of these, and you should go to the pros right away!

Every business owner out there knows that they should work on their SEO. But how often do they actually do it? And what do they think is involved? We’ve seen business owners who think that SEO is all about updating the various fields of installed plug-ins. Okay, some of the tasks might be doable in just a day, but if you want to achieve powerful results, SEO will take months. And even then, it doesn’t end. You have to improve your strategies continuously, and ensure that they are aligned with Google’s latest rules.

Think that you can give it so much time? Bring in an expert, and let them deal with keywords, links and optimization.

Your website has received an SEO penalty

Even if your site has been penalized once, it is time to turn to the experts. A penalty significantly affects your ranks, and hence, the traffic that is diverted to your website. You may not have done it intentionally, but if you don’t play by the rules, Google will notice and take action.

And yeah, let’s keep in mind here that the rules change constantly, and for you to play by them, you have to keep yourself updated.

You assume SEO only involves content

Yes, a large part of SEO involves content, and the two overlap in so many ways but no they are not the same. And no regular content is not enough for better ranks. Business owners often believe that daily or weekly posts can generate traffic to their website. They do, but for you to climb up the results’ pages, you need to do more than this.

SEO involves more than just content, and it can be divided into three main elements: on-page optimization, off-page optimization and technical optimization. If you can’t do even one of these, bring in an expert.

You don’t have enough time to learn SEO

You can learn SEO, but only when you give it a considerable amount of time. The learning curve is huge and covers not only optimization, but other concepts and technologies as well such as HTML, CSS, link building and social media. So rather than spending your time on this, you may be better off with focusing on your core business, and leaving SEO for the professionals.

You don’t see results

If you’ve been working on SEO for some time, but aren’t getting results, then contact SEO services in Montreal.

Posted on by Jesse in SEO Services